These are a few Fancy Cats next to their real-life inspirations. I aim for as much detail as possible, meanwhile trying to capture characteristics of the person’s personality – limited, of course, within a cat’s features.
Power draws corruptible people. M. Robespierre was one of those people. Lawyer by trade, Jacobin political slant, he did object to “pointless” executions but somehow still managed to send hundreds of people to their death during the “Reign of Terror” during the French Revolution. (Here he is showing you Doctor Joseph Guillotin’s newest invention.) Not many people know who this British PM was. So, so dour. He was a PM for Queen Victoria, the first for England of Jewish descent. (His father converted to the Anglican Church to be able to participate in Parliament, where participation by Jewish people was prohibited.) Benjamin Disraeli.Nobel Prize-winning (2 categories) Marie Curie worked with both her husband and daughter on very important elemental research. Heard of Radium? The term Radioactive? Give Mme. some thanks. It’s not just a delicious dish. Wellington is well-known for the downfall of Napoleon. While he was born in Ireland, Wellington was pretty anti-Irish, like many British of the day. “Being born in a stable does not make me a horse.” (Protestant vs. Catholic nonsense that kept the Irish from getting aide during the Great Potato Famine.) Pompous Ass. (Personal opinion there, folks.)