
Prep yourselves for a random dump of this year’s cats thus far

It’s safe to say that we are all dealing with some stuff right now with this Covid19 pandemic, potential loss of income, all sorts of interruptions to our normal daily routines. My son is out of school until, at least, April 17th. The governor of the state we live in (Arkansas) doesn’t seem to think science and exponential math are real things. I grew up in Miami, Florida where those things were taught in school. (I mean, they are taught in Arkansas now, under some duress from parent groups and certain politicians like Cotton…)

Here are some cats I’ve done this year so far, to brighten your day a bit. Maybe? I sure hope so.

Marty McFly just wants to go back in time.
Bowling Viking
That’s a big no from me, Georgie-boy.
W.E.B. du Bois, co-founder of both the Niagara Movement and the NAACP.
Lady Jane Grey, the 7 day queen.
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